Skypatch: Talent Management
A training administration application that defines, develops, and administers large scale training programs.
A training administration application that defines, develops, and administers large scale training programs.
Skyline provides a comprehensive training solution for intelligent training recommendations and tailored learning paths to accelerate student development.
Skyhub is a content orchestration platform designed to today’s Distributed Command and Control (C2), Agile Combat Employment (ACE) objectives.
Intrinsic’s Skyview CI/CD virtual test environment enables software testing acceleration through orchestration, emulation, automation, and lab connectivity.
Skyline provides a comprehensive training solution for intelligent training recommendations and tailored learning paths to accelerate student development.
Skyhub is a content orchestration platform designed to today’s Distributed Command and Control (C2), Agile Combat Employment (ACE) objectives.
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Bebuild a unified visual system for the advertising agency made of steel world in a while.
Brand Strategy,
Creative design
UI/UX Design,
Art Direction